Running Krustlet on WSL2 with Docker Desktop

This how-to guide demonstrates how to boot a Krustlet node in Docker Desktop for Windows with WSL2 backend.


This tutorial will work on current Windows 10 Insider Slow ring and Docker Desktop for Windows stable release.

This tutorial will work on current Windows 10 Insider Slow ring and Docker Desktop for Windows stable release.

Concerning Windows, this tutorial should work on the Production ring once it will be available.

Last but not least, this will work on Windows 10 Home edition.


You will require a WSL2 distro and Docker Desktop for Windows for this how-to. The WSL2 backend and Kubernetes features will need to be also enabled. See the Docker Desktop for Windows > Getting started > Kubernetes howto for more information.

This specific tutorial will be running Krustlet on your WSL2 distro and will explain how to access it from Windows.

Step 1: Determine the default gateway

The default gateway for most Docker containers is generally This IP is only reachable, by default, from the WSL2 distro. However, the eth0 host network is accessible from Windows, so we can use this IP address to connect to the WSL2 distro (where Krustlet is running).

If this was changed, check ifconfig eth0 from the host OS to determine the default gateway:

$ ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::215:5dff:fe98:ce48  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:15:5d:98:ce:48  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 16818  bytes 11576089 (11.0 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 1093  bytes 115724 (113.0 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

In this example, I should use

TIP: get the IP from eth0

$ export mainIP=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet " | awk '{ print $2 }')

The hostname being “applied” from Windows, the default hostname will not resolve to this address, therefore you need to pass the --node-ip and --node-name flag to Krustlet.

Step 2: Get a bootstrap config

Krustlet requires a bootstrap token and config the first time it runs. Follow the guide here to generate a bootstrap config and then return to this document. This will If you already have a kubeconfig available that you generated through another process, you can proceed to the next step. However, the credentials Krustlet uses must be part of the system:nodes group in order for things to function properly.

Step 3: Install and run Krustlet

First, install the latest release of Krustlet following the install guide.

Second, ensure the Kubernetes context is correctly set to docker-desktop:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                 CLUSTER          AUTHINFO         NAMESPACE
*         docker-desktop       docker-desktop   docker-desktop

# Optional if the context is not set correctly
$ kubectl config set-context docker-desktop
Context "docker-desktop" modified.

Once you have done that, run the following commands to run Krustlet’s WASI provider:

$ KUBECONFIG=~/.krustlet/config/kubeconfig \
  krustlet-wasi \
  --node-ip $mainIP \
  --node-name=krustlet \

Step 3a: Approving the serving CSR

Once you have started Krustlet, there is one more manual step (though this could be automated depending on your setup) to perform. The client certs Krustlet needs are generally approved automatically by the API. However, the serving certs require manual approval. To do this, you’ll need the hostname you specified for the --hostname flag or the output of hostname if you didn’t specify anything. From another terminal that’s configured to access the cluster, run:

$ kubectl certificate approve <hostname>-tls

NOTE: You will only need to do this approval step the first time Krustlet starts. It will generate and save all of the needed credentials to your machine

In another terminal, run kubectl get nodes -o wide and you should see output that looks similar to below:

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
docker-desktop   Ready    master   3d23h   v1.15.5    <none>        Docker Desktop   4.19.104-microsoft-standard   docker://19.3.8
krustlet      Ready    agent    34s     v1.17.0   <none>        <unknown>        <unknown>                     mvp

Optional: Delete the Krustlet node

Once you will no more need the Krustlet node, you can remove it from your cluster with the following kubectl delete node command:

$ kubectl delete node krustlet
node "krustlet" deleted

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
docker-desktop   Ready    master   4d    v1.15.5   <none>        Docker Desktop   4.19.104-microsoft-standard   docker://19.3.8


WASM workloads on Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop’s Kubernetes always provides a schedulable node called docker-desktop. This node uses Docker to run containers. If you want to run WASM workloads on Krustlet, you must prevent these pods from being scheduled to the docker-desktop node. You can do this using a nodeSelector in pod specs. See Running WASM workloads for details.